Manual Using Colors of Fracthunder 2.1

Using the Pipet

The FracThunder has one pipet. On the toolbar you see a circle of a color, that is de content of the pipet.

Filling the Pipet

You can (re)fill the pipet with another color:

Using the content of the Pipet

When you see the following button in a Dialogbox: , if you press the button, the color of the pipet is used.

Common Color Settings
Cursor Color

The Cursor Color is used when you go into the Zoom In and Zoom Out Mode.

Background Color

The Background Color is used when drawing the fractal Window and exporting to a bmp-file, while using transparency.

Setting the Background color has only effect if the fractals has tranparant parts.

The outside of the fractal is more transparant than de yellow inside.
When choosing black as background color, the outside becomes black.

When choosing green as background color, the outside becomes green.

Using the Color palette

When a Properties Fractal Dialogbox is open, you can edit the color palette by pressing button Edit Palette... and the Color Palette Dialogbox appears.
A color palette has always a color at the start (most left position) and a color at the end (most right position). You can add, move, change and delete other color positions. You can see the effect on the three colored reactangles in the Color Palette Dialogbox. You also can load and save color palettes in files with extension ".cp1".

Browsing, adding and deleting Color Positions

You can browse througt the color position by pressing one of the buttons :

You can delete the currently selected Color Position by pressing button Delete, you cannot delete the first and last Color Position.
You can add a new Color Position by pressing button Add, the Position of the new Color Position will be exactly in between the currently selected Position and the Next Position.

properties of a Color Position

Some propeties of the specical first and last Color Positions, are not possible to edit.

Horizontal Position

The (horizontal) position is specified in field Position. You can horizontal move it, by changing the value, it must greater than 0 (0%) and smaller than 1 (100%).

Colors and Jump Colors

You can specify the Color for the Color Position by choosing the color at Color.
At the Color Position, you can jump from one Color to Another Color, by specifying a second Color: Check the checkbox Color After, and choose the second color at Color After.

In the following color palette, a Color Position is selected which has a jump from dark green to grey/brown:

This color palette has more jumps.

A jump between two colors becomes visible as a hard border in a fractal:

And zoomed in:

Transparant Colors

You can make a color transparant by specify a value smaller than 100 % at the fields below Strength. 0% is complete transparancy, having no Color. in the second rectangle, you see the color transparant, and the third rectange you see how transparant the colors are.
You can Copy the Color of the Next Color Position to the current Color Positon, by pressing button > Next. You can Copy the Color of the Previous Color Position to the current Color Positon, by pressing button < Previous.

Super Colors

Sometimes you can use Super Colors. It has only sense when map Multiple Fractal Scan pixels onto one Display Pixel. When mixing the colors of scanned pixels to one color for the Displayed pixel, you can highlight some colors by extrapolation to darker than black and lighter than white, redder than red etc. With this technique you can search for centain fractal values bij giving them a "super color".
When the Color Palette can use Super Colors, a checkbox Super Factor is visible. When checking this checkbox, you can access these properties in the dialogbox.
A Super color has two extra properties: a Super Factor and a Reference Color. When using the color before mixing, the difference between the Color and the Reference Color is made bigger with a factor specified by Super Factor.
So you get a more twinkling and glittering effect. For example, when using Color yellow and Reference Color black with Super Factor 3, when mixing the yellow color is three times lighter (gives three times more light).
Another example, when the Reference Color is white, this super color strongly decrease blue when mixing, because the difference between yellow and white, is that yellow has less or no light from blue.

No Super Colors.
For every displayed pixel, one scanned pixel.

No Super Colors.
For every displayed pixel, a square of 3 times 3 scanned pixels.

White has a Super Factor 3 and a reference color black.
For every displayed pixel, a square of 3 times 3 scanned pixels.

White has a Super Factor 7 and a reference color black.
For every displayed pixel, a square of 3 times 3 scanned pixels.

Here is a Color Palette Dialogbox with the white color selected, as a Super Color:

loading and saving to files

You can save the Color Palette to a file:

You can load a Color Palette from a file: